Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement  


International Journal of Information Technology Infrastructure  (IJITI) is committed to ensuring ethics in publication and quality of articles. In order to maintain the standards of publication ethics IJITI takes all possible measures and steps against any publication misconducts.Authors while submitting their manuscript to the IJITI journal for publication should ensure that their work is entirely original work, and if the work and/or words of others (whole or part) have been used, this has been appropriately acknowledged. In no case the journal or the editors encourage any type of misconduct, or knowingly allow any type of misconduct to take place.

Peer-review Policy

IJITI panel is committed to objective and unbiazed peer review process conducted in collaboration with editorial board members and independent referees, to prevent any type of conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed paper. If there are any discrepancy from the above, it should be reported to the in order to take required actions immediately.

When a scholarly work is submitted to the journal, it first undergoes a preliminary review. The Editor-in-chief decides if the manuscript should be sent for peer review or be immediately rejected. Next step is to select experts from the same field who are qualified and able to review the work impartially and the papers will be sent to them. If a submitted paper is rejected, this does not necessarily mean it is of poor quality. A paper may also be rejected because it doesn't fall within the journal's area of specialisation or because it doesn't meet the high standards of novelty and originality required by the journal in question.

Open Access Policy
   In order to ensure maximum reach of the papers published by IInternational Journal of Information Technology Infrastructure  (IJITI) , Open Access Policy is adopted; meaning that

* All the papers published by International Journal of Information Technology Infrastructure (IJITI) are made freely accessible online immediately after they are published in an easily readable format, without any subscription or any type of registration.

Archiving  Policy

All the papers published in IJITI utilizes Amazon Web Services System to store the published articles as permanent archives for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Publication Ethics

The works submitted by the authors for publication must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the author uses any previously published figures, tables, or parts of text are to be included, the copyright-holder’s permission must have been obtained prior to submission of the paper.

Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable in any manner. Also submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. So the author(s) are requested not to submit their manuscripts to more than one journal at the same time.

Papers not in accordance with publications ethics and found malpractices will be removed immediately from publication if detected at any point of time.

IJITI publishers reserves the right to use any plagiarism detecting tool to screen the submitted papers at any time and fi any suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing  will be reported immediately.
Role of Authors

Work submitted by the authors should present an objective discussion of the significance of research work 
Works submitted by the authors should be entirely original and no work or words of others works have been used in their papers. The authors should ensure the same.
Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.
Authors should not copy and paste from any other works without proper citation
Authors should not mention their name on another person’s article
Authors should not copy exact wording  from other's individual work
Authors should not use  tables, diagrams, photos or ideas from other works without proper references / citations
Authors should not publish the same paper in more than one journal
Authors should acknowledge any type of financial support of others if appropriate
Financial support and conflict of interest for the project/research work if any should be dsclosed.

Role of Editors

Editors have complete responsibility and authority to accept/reject a manuscript submitted.
Editors have the responsibility to evaluate manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit. 
Editors are one who act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties
Editors has the rights to accept the paper when reasonably certain.
Editors are not supposed to add or delete information in the paper without the express written consent of the author.
Editor/ reserves the right to refuse any manuscript , whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.
Editors will strive to prevent any conflict of interest between the author and editorial/review personnel.
Editors will keep all the information related to the submitted article in confidential prior to publishing

Role of Reviewers

Reviewers has the responsibility to have a good rapid with Assistance to Editors,
Reviewers should maintain  confidentiality, point out relevant published work which is not cited in the paper, point out whether any content from other published works are used
Reviewers are responsible to  send the review reports in prompt to the editors and Disclosure and conflict of interest.  

Role of Publisher

Publisher will thoroughly monitor publishing ethics
Publisher will have the responsibility to directly communicate with the editor
Publisher protects Intellectual property and copyright
Publisher will frequently work for the improvement of the quality of the journal

Article withdraw policy

Editor is solely and independently responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal shall be published. Editor will thoroughly follow the policies of the journal’s editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Articles that have been published shall remain online without any modifications as far as is possible.  However, on some unavoidable occasions if the published article is to be retracted or even to be removed shall be done only under the following exceptional circumstances:

Article will be retracted in situations like Infringements of professional ethical codes.
Article willl be removed in situations like Legal limitations upon the publisher, copyright holder or author(s).
Article willl be replaced in situations like Identification of false or inaccurate data 


To minimise requests for post-publication edits:
• Editors will ensure that the author(s) has been given an opportunity to sign off their final draft  prior to the files being sent to typesetting. It should be made clear that future edits will not be possible
•  Editors shall give the final draft  a thorough read through prior to sending it to typesetting to make sure that they are happy with the content
•  All articles will have their PDF proofs checked by the author or editor prior to publication. This is a final chance to catch layout errors and minor editorial issues such as    typos. This is not an opportunity for wider content editing
Authors shall contact the Journal Editor  if they  believe that an article needs correctionn.  Editors reserve the right to decide what constitutes a minor or major issue and whether an amendment or correction article is necessary.

i) Amendment

For very minor content or metadata issues, IJITI  may directly amend the article (PDF) if the error is reported very soon after publication (normally 2 days) and the publication has not yet been sent out for indexing.
In-line amendments are strictly limited to only obvious and small mistakes. Corrections relating to the scientific content or other major metadata issues (e.g. a change in authorship) will require a formal correction to be published. Should an in-line amendment be made then a note may also be added to the publication to alert readers to this fact.
To avoid multiple versions of the same publication being circulated, should a publication have already been sent out to indexing services then in-line edits will not be permitted.

ii) Correction Article

After an article has been published it will immediately be available to the public. Shortly after publication we will also send the publication information and files to multiple indexes to aid this dissemination. Once this indexing process has begun (usually within a day or so of publication), all corrections must be released as a separate publication, linked to the original. This ensures that the integrity and transparency of the academic record is maintained.
Where an error affects the data being presented, the arguments being made, or the conclusions of an article (but not the validity of the findings), or contains incorrect information about the article metadata (author list, title, editor, etc.), a correction article will be posted. Correction articles are used to formally correct the scientific record and to ensure errors in metadata are properly highlighted. Correction articles will appear as an article in the journal’s table of contents and will be delivered to indexes in the usual fashion. The original article will contain a note that links to the correction to alert readers.

iii) Retraction

Retractions are used to remove a published paper from the scientific record. In accordance with IJITI  Ethics’ rules, retractions are used when:
• Editors have clear evidence that the article’s findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error)
• Findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant/duplicate publication)
• Article publication constitutes plagiarism
• The article reports unethical research

Retraction articles will be drafted and posted in the same way as correction articles and with the editors’ approval. The original article will remain but readers will be alerted to the retraction via a note at the top of the article.
In rare circumstances, articles will need to be removed from the journal site in whole or in part. This is usually for legal reasons, such as copyright infringement or ethical concerns. The abstract and metadata of the original article will remain, but a note that links to the Retraction article will appear in place of the remaining contents.


Authorship of research publications should compulsorily reflect individual’s contributions to the entire content of the work.
Authors should take the collective responsibility for the submitted and published work.
Naming authors in the paper ensures that all the authors get credit, and are accountable for the research being reported. While it is possible to name two first authors, one author must be designated as the corresponding author when submitting a manuscript.
Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and any updations of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and the same is approved by the journal editor.

Special Issues

While submitting the proposals for Special Issues, Guest Editors of the special issue must make it sure that the proposal adheres to aims and scopes of the journal. The Special Issue proposal should be sent in the following format::

• Name of the journal
• Title of the special issue
• Detail information about guest editors
• Last date for submission
• Final date of issue release
• Broad outline of proposed special issue title

Once the Special Issue is accepted by the journal editor, the Guest Editor of the Special Issue  collects the manuscripts, undergo the review and revision process and may take any of the following decisions:

• Manuscript can be accepted without any modifications for publication.
• Manuscript needs minor modifications before getting published.
• Manuscript need major modifications before getting published.
• Manuscript is inappropriate for the journal and should be rejected as it fails to meet the standards.

We are an open access journal and charges applicable for publishing in Special Issue is to compensate the expenses for processing and production of the manuscript. 


The author(s) of each article appearing in IJITI Journal is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; neither the Publisher nor the journal editors or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distribution assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the Journal (s),nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the journal content.


As part of our commitment to the protection and enhancement of the peer review process, IJITI journal  would like to ensure that all published articles are within the accepted level of plagiarism. The publisher uses plagiarism detection tool to check the plagiarism of the paper submitted All submitted papers are first subjected to Plagiarism check and then the Publishing cycle begins. In case, plagiarism is detected during review/editorial process, such manuscript(s) will be rejected immediately If the plagiarism is proven after publication, such manuscript(s) will be removed from our website and appropriate announcement will be placed in this regards. Further, the publisher or Journal Editor can bring such instances in notice of author's funding agencies, author's institutes (where they work) and to the original authors whose work has been plagiarized. Please report the plagiarism to

Informed Consent Policy

Each and every individual have their own rights that are not to be infringed. Individual participants in studies have their rights to decide what happens to the personal data gathered, to what they have said during a study or an interview, as well as to any photography that was taken. This is especially true concerning images of vulnerable people (eg., minors, patients, refugees etc.,) or the use of images in sensitive contexts. In  all these type of instances authors are needed to secure written consent before including images, hide the identities, or any type of details as per International Publication Ethics and Best Practices.