Authors are requested to read and follow the instructions below carefully before submitting their papers; so that it will be helpful for the publication of your paper is as rapid and efficient as possible. The Publisher of the journal reserves the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared in according to the guidelines of the journal.

Paper Review

All submitted papers are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. 

The reviewers recommendations determine the process of whether the submitted paper should be accepted/accepted subject to changes/subject to resubmission with significant changes/rejected.

The papers which needs change, will be requested for change and the modified paper will be reviewed by the same reviewers.

The Review report of the reviewed articles will be kept in confidential.  

It will take 2-3 weeks to review a paper. 

Indexing in Database : The entire process of inclusion of any article (s) in the indexing and abstracting for bibliographic database (Scopus, WOS, etc..) is done by bibliographic database team only ( Scopus, WOS, etc.,). Neither Journal nor the publisher  ‘The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering” does not have any involvement in the decision whether to accept or reject an article from indexing and abstracting services for any bibliographic database ( Scopus, WOS, etc..) and  also force the  processing time of the article for indexing and abstracting in the bibliographic database.

Publication fee for Indian Authors is Rs.1500 and USD 50 for Foreign Authors for maximum of 5 authors upto 8 pages.

Paper Formatting Guidelines


Paper should of standard format (8.5 “ x 11”) with the text fully justified.

Margins : Top 0.7”, Bottom 0.7”, Right 0.6”, Left 0.6:

Paper should be in two column format with column width 3.42” and space between columns be 0.2”
No figures should fall out of this text page.


Paper Title : Capitalize Each Word case, 14 point type (Times Roman Bold)

Author(s) and Affiliation : Capitalize Each Word case, 10 point type (Times Roman)

Head : BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. 10 point type (Times Roman)

Sub Head (if applicable) : Lower case, 10 point (Times Roman)

Leave two line spaces between title and author names/affiliation

Leave 3 lines spaces between author/affiliation and start the abstract head

Paper should start begin with brief Abstract and Keywords


Text type should be 10 point Times Roman. Text should be single spaced. First line of all paragraphs should be indented and there should be one line gap between consecutive paragraphs.

4. HEADS / Sub Heads

Levels of subheads should be easily distinguishable from each other with the use of numbers. There should be one line spaces before each subhead and one line space after each subhead.


Figures and Tables may appear printed directly in the text and the Legends/Captions should be 9 point (Times Roman). A caption should be provided for each figure and table. The legend for figure should be beneath the figure (Figure 1, Figure 2 etc..) and the legend for the tables should be above the table (Table 1, Table 2 etc….). Indent tables and figures slightly from the left column margin, if it is necessary to use the full width of the page.

Both figures and tables must be cited in the text.


References text type should be 10 point (Times Roman) at the end of the paper.

Journal Articles:  
[1] Jesmin Nahar and Tasadduq Imam et al,” Association rule mining to detect factors which contribute to heart disease in males and females”, Journal of Expert Systems with Applications Vol.40, PP.1086–1093, 2013

[1] Frawley and G. Piatetsky -Shapiro, Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview. Published by the AAAI Press/ The MIT Press, Menlo Park, C.A 1996.

Book Chapters:
Hakikur Rahman and A.V.Senthil Kumar,  Mobile Computing : An emerging issue in the digitized world.  In the book “Mobile computing Techniques in Emerging Markets : Systems  Applications and Services” (Editors: A.V.Senthil Kumar and Hakikur Rahman), IGI Global,   Hershey, USA. Chapter I, pp. 1- 22,  January  2012.

Online References
M. Angelova, T. Pencheva, Tuning Genetic Algorithm Parameters to Improve Convergence Time, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, Article ID 646917, available at http:// /journals/ ijce/2011/646917/

Authors Limitation

Maximum number of five authors is allowed for each paper.


Modified Papers must be returned to the publisher within 4-5 days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. It will therefore be appreciated if the manuscripts and figures conform from the outset to the style of the journal.

Call for Editorial Board Members and Reviewers

We welcome Professors, Engineering Experts and Scientists to join in our Editorial Board Members or as Reviewers. Interested persons can send us an email, along with their curriculum vitae (CV), to

Paper Submission Instructions

Authors are requested to submit their papers formatted according to the guidelines provided electronically through Submit Your Manuscript or to editor@warse.orgAll submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. The final paper after all the modifications specified (.doc/.docx) along with the COPYRIGHT FORM (found in DOWNLOADS) signed by all the authors should be submitted to or through Submit Your Manuscript option. Detailed instructions on preparing the papers for submission can be seen in Paper Formatting Guidelines given above and format can be found in DOWNLOADS (IJITI TEMPLATE).   All authors should sign individually the Journal's Copyright Form along with the final modified papershould be sent to us. The authors of the published papers should grant an exclusive licence to WARSE Journals. This confirms that any requests from third parties to reproduce the article in anyway are handled efficiently and consistently. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications by writing and  getting acknowledged from WARSE journals in advance..

All the published papers in the journal are available freely with online full-text content and indexed in major acadmeic databases.